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The Fall of Hate (Book 3 of A Throne of Souls)

The Fall of Hate - Book 3 (ATOS)

ISBN 978-0-9981177-8-2 iBooks

ISBN 978-0-9981177-9-9 Amazon Kindle

ISBN 978-1-7324798-0-7Amazon CreateSpace Print


The Fall of Hate is now generally available.


With chapters like, "Durial's Justice," "When Even Love is Laid Down," "Thrice Broken," "The Eye of Time," "The Fall of Hate," "Time Broken," "The Starlight of Immortality," and "The Entropy of Damon," you get the sense that something profound is about to happen in this story and you'd be right.  The storylines are exposed—now front & center—yet the whole of the mosaic will still be an intellectual challenge to piece together.  You're going to be immersed in the hard science elements of the story as those threads bubble to the surface in a big way.  Many answers are going to be provided, but many of them in such a way as to raise even deeper questions than before as you begin to see more of the core of this onion.   You'll think 'ah-hah' only sentences later to go 'what the f***?'  I'm not toying with you because I can.  I'm setting up a colossal-scale story and if you thought you knew just how big it was in the first two books, boy are you in for a shock!  


Now that I've finished writing this third installment, I'll try my best to summarize it for you...  I'll start with a compare and contrast between this book and the first two in the series.  The first two were more about character and world-building—not as much about advancing the story forward.  Yes, books 1 and 2 did that also, but a large amount of the content in those books was about backstory, character development, and world-building.  This novel does those things too but is more focused on advancing the story forward and explaining a lot about where we have already gone in the story and why. From a writing perspective, I made a diligent effort to bring the sentence structure down in word count but the material covered is more complex than in either of the previous books so the vocabulary is going to be elevated.  If you had issues with the vocabulary in books 1 or 2, just have a collegiate thesaurus at the ready for this one.


The story—as a whole—revolves around the untold story of Creation as told through the lens of science with heavy doses of biology, mythology, paganism, and religion.  How is that combination possible?  You just have to read it and find out.  You'll discover a great deal of seemingly disparate theories of physics interlaced with reality and the world as we see it all around us.  For example, Quantum Wave and Cosmological Constant might appear two distinct theories, but I'm going to show you (in a round-about way) how they both make the story work and work together with other seemingly separate concepts.


Some have argued and complained that the author, 'can't seem to make up his mind as to whether he's writing sci-fi, fantasy, intellectual thriller, romance, or military-fiction.'  Let me just address those narrow-minded comments.  I'm not a narrow-minded person.  I'm a centrist and an intellectually curious person.  I like to ask 'what if' about a lot of different concepts.  If you need a novel that stays in one genre for you to enjoy it, then don't read this series.  You'll hate it!  However, if you're truly open-minded and can follow a complex series of threads across all of Creation, then you'll love it!  You cannot tell the untold story of Creation (especially as it relates to a multi-world story of Humanity) without crossing genres.  If you figure out a way to do that, please contact me, because I'd love to hear you explain it.  If Humanity were spread or seeded across multiple worlds it just makes logical sense that they would evolve at variable rates and as soon as you accept that premise, you can't have everything in one genre.  I hope that makes sense.  Now, back to my summary...


This third installment is far more sci-fi than the previous two whereas they were more epic-fantasy-driven.  Why is that?  Well, we're covering different worlds than previously:  Graelon, Setinon, and Earth for the most part.  Yes, there are sections where I'll cover Kaleion and Perion, but that is not the majority of this novel.  I'm going to show you just how far beyond Damon this story goes.  Yes, Damon is central and key, but not the only.


I 'might' get you to question things you thought you held certain.  I've said this before but it bears repeating.  I have kept my faith out of this as to not contaminate this story.  If your faith is easily shaken, don't read this.  If your beliefs (whether religious or otherwise) can't tolerate a little questioning, then I would question their validity.  I like beliefs that can withstand a little questioning.  That my questioning of them makes them stronger—much like when you break a bone and it heals, the bone itself heals to a stronger degree than it was before the break.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not pontificating here.  I'm trying to ward off those who would be disappointed or pissed off by this series and encourage those intellectual thinkers and truth-seekers (who would truly enjoy this series) to dive in with a reckless abandon.


For the few who have read what I've written thus far, they have been thoroughly impressed.  The Editor said The Fall of Hate was the most "satisfying" and "thought-provoking" of the three installments so far as many long-held questions were answered while new and provocative questions raised.  Read it for yourself and find out.


There are interior illustrations of:



Banthis (with Damon - see below)

Kellen the Destroyer

Goldenbow and Desindra

Elise Day

The Great Talemar & Lynn Marshall

The Eye of Time



The Fall of Hate (Book 3 of A Throne of Souls)
Banthis and Damon of Basrat
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